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Lotus Birth App Implementation


This is a guide provides step by step instructions to illuminate proper setup for your organization, using Health Cloud platform within Salesforce through images and data models. 
Lotus Birth App helps to keep patients and their care team connected using only one application. 

The purpose of this app is to streamline the connection between pregnant women and their care team through various automations. The app will house medical records, appointments, labs, care plans/goals and provide various type of notifications. Prior to appointments there will be a notification of questions and suggestions based upon how far along the patient is within their pregnancy. Lab results will be monitored by the care team, resulting in various tips, resources, and care plans being sent to patients dependent upon their needs. Patients will have the opportunity to message their care team as well!

This app will demonstrate the effectiveness of their prenatal initiative and education program to mediate avoidable complications during pregnancy.


With the increase in the amount of patients Lotus Birth Center has run into a few problems, which has impacted their ability to provide intentional care for their patients. The care team has been swamped with their patient load and the automation of some processes would help out a lot.


After meeting with the stakeholders to identify their needs, I began to design the structure of their app. I started with a data model to map out the components that will be needed for the custom objects. A few customer objects to mention would be their Resource and Note sections. These two objects are specifically geared towards educating their patients and allowing them a space to document any questions or general notes they would like to keep up with for their next visit. User profiles, permission sets, and roles were defined to ensure the proper users had the right access to certain aspects of the application. A few automations were created, one being automatically assigning new clients to the nurse queue when they are ready for their initial consultation. Overall, the app and it's implementations will result in greater patient retention as they will feel more connected to their care team than ever.